Saturday, July 13, 2013

And A Whole Day had Passed

(Sat, 13/07)
This morning was unbearably cold. I rolled myself under my warm, fluffy blanket. I was about to step into my dreamland when my mom yelled outside forcing me to leave my lair. I went outside with my blanket, and I slept on a sofa.

1. Roll the Drums, the Day has Come!
" this the arm, or the head?"

I always carelessly buy anything that caught my eyes. Unfortunately, my eyes caught everything wrong. Almost everything. I kind of made a gamble when I decided to buy a model kit. Frankly, I've never been into 'build a model kit' world so I got really nervous this morning. I opened the box and I found the steps to build the figure. Okay, the last thing I ever built is my 1:100 model of art gallery (I designed it) and it was rubbish.

When I realized it, I plucked one part of the figure.
"Now you have no turning back," said Blackbird, the long lost brat.

2. Pincers and Toothpicks Came to the Rescue
"So small, so fragile, so..nerve-wracking"

I started with the body parts. Everything went awkwardly well, until I had to deal with the stickers. They're really small and fragile, so I had to be very careful to stick them. Sometimes I placed them a little bit too high or too low, and even misplaced with other part. Also, I need pincers to stick the small parts and I need toothpicks to stick the smaller parts like the flashy purple dots on the legs (see the finished pic). Anyway, I finished the body part in 40 min approx. Thanks to stupid Blackbird who misinterpret the instruction.

3. Hey there, Handsome 
"The only thing I understand from Nathan Seymour, the Fire Emblem, is..."

Next, I worked on the head parts. The head was built of some small parts, and I almost lost one of them. When I finished, I know it's time to place the stickers again. First attempt, I missed the eyes mark by 0.5 mm. Second attempt, it was even worse, I missed by 1.5 mm. In the end, I still missed it a little bit, but yeah whatever, I don't think it's a big matter.

"Call me crazy or whatever, but I think he's handsome," said Blackbird after I finished the head.
I stared for a while on the head. Creepy.

4. Conscience lv Above 9000
"Right or Left? Ain't they the same?"

Moving to the arm parts. This part has right and left side. The instruction becomes more complicated with warnings and signs I barely understand. "Calm down, use your instinct like usual" said Blackbird. "Yes, and I'll ruin this like I did on my second studio project, thank you." I misplaced the lower arm and the shoulder. I rearranged them and finally I had one arm. Yeah. One more arm to go.. And do't forget the stickers. I struggled on sticking the lines and the small dots. I surprisingly finished the arms in 75 min approx. And my problems still go on because I still had right-left legs part, which fortunately easier than the arms. I finished the legs in 30 min.

5. The Real Problem is...
"Uh-oh, what's wrong with the joints?"

I finished all parts, now it's time to combine those parts into one figure. I know this is the real problem. Once I make a mistake in this stage, all of my efforts gone with the breezy wind. The head joined with the body easily. The legs had a bit problem with the body. It's quite hard to attach the joints on the body, I was afraid it would broke if I pushed too much. But in the end it attached quite normally. The hardest part is the arms. I tried many times to attach them. Once they're attached, they easily fell when I tried to rotate the joints. After a long time, finally I can attached them firmly. One last thing to do, placing the transparent logo marks. I stick them without hesitation, and I made a huge mess on one of them.

6. Exhausted
"I'm really sorry, Bunny-chan, but I can't afford Tiger-san"

Bunny is done. Yaaay. But he'll be alone for a moment, because I don't have Tiger now. I'll try to afford him someday, so just wait, Bunny ^^


7. Extra
"Tolong jemput ade di balkot ya"

Begitu kata mama, di sore yang diguyur hujan. Astaga, baru juga mau mulai gambar... Aku berangkat dengan berat hati. Adikku bikin tugas kelompok dari pagi sampe sore. Dia baru masuk SMA, makanya kena dikerjain senior-seniornya. Disuruh bawa yang aneh-aneh, plus tampilan aneh-aneh. Namanya juga kakak, kalo adik lagi ada masalah, pasti si kakak kecipratan juga. Pulang jemput adik, aku bantu ngerjain bikin rok rumbai dari tali rafia dan memecahkan kode. Jadi inget cerita temen. Waktu ospek jurusan, mereka disuruh bawa barang tapi barang-barangnya disebutin pake kode. Salah satunya bawa 'keringat dalam botol' yang artinya minuman p***ri s**at. Salah satu temen dia bawa botol dengan sedikit air di dalamnya. Pas ditanya senior itu apa, temennya itu jawab dengan polos, "Keringat dalam botol, kak" Lalu semua orang ketawa sampe nangis. Ospek biasanya cuma nyusahin, mungkin aku ngga akan pernah ngerti ospek buat apa.  


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