Sunday, July 7, 2013

Thank you and Thank you!!

Hi all, long time no see. I recovered from my mournful state rather slowly (and now I almost crying again while listening to MCR's songs). Anyways, there'd been so many things happened in recent months, but I was too busy with my works and my lj account to write my blog, so I deeply apologize.

1. Real procrastinator to the bone, A sore loser, now A lavish brat
"I eat books, yes, thank you!!"

Since I started making money myself , I began to spend money bigger than usual. Mainly in books. Last week I spent my holiday in some fancy city. One day, I went to a business district there and I spent quite an amount of money in no time. The next day, same thing happened. I bought some Japanese comics and some art supplies for my work. Not 'the end' yet, two days ago I got a message from my friend. He said he was in an event and he saw something that I might interested in, so he text me. That 'something' was really my 'thing'. So I picked my phone and we had a pretty hard negotiation, since I was economically broke. Almost. However, I ended up buying the item. I really need to make more comics and illustrations to make up my loss..

2. My lair, My rules,...oh My
"How can you sleep here, in the middle of these rubbish? I can barely see the floor! I's covered with paper and books!!"  
"Hell, I really want to burn them all since they're remains of my college tasks"

I left my room for two weeks, and I realized how fantastic my room is. Before I went to some fancy city to spent my holiday, I used to slept soundly in my oh-so-wonderfully-arranged room. When I got home, the only word I blurted was "yuck". Almost everything in my room is misplaced, abandoned, torn, and dust-covered. The only clean space in my room is my working spot, 50x40 cm approximately. Architect student, they said..

3. That escalated rather quickly
"You guys can go first, I've got other thing to do"

That was my words to my friends who kindly spent their precious time on my foolishness. Yes, I'm a despicable being, as a friend nor a solitary human, I know. For that, I deeply apologize to you, N and S. I hope you guys read my blog and my belated apology.

Back to the story. I left my friends to see my other friend I haven't see for ages. I missed the old times when I spent so much times talking nonsense with him, I had so much fun then. Sorry for being a bit melancholic, but I want to write this story. That day when I met him again, we walked around the venue (there was an event in one nearby institute), we chit-chatted and laughed, just like the old times. Haha, I love it. We met so much people, all of them are my friend's...uh...friends. And acquaintances (there's other story about that, but I'm going to keep it for myself, sorry). 6 p.m. and we decided to go home. Together. Hahaha, I'll never forget that one moment in life (please understand that I'm being excited now).

4. Basically it's posts and lintels
"To you architecture students out there... I'm a student just like you too"

Since my architectural design studio went not quite well this semester, I guess it's too late to feel sorry for myself. Guilt and denial comes after they said, and it's true. I'm in the verge of my too-early-ending-career as a freelancer and my only chance I got is my mark, which I thought might need a handful of miracles and pixie dust only to get a C. At least that's what my mother sees. I want to share my stupidity and failures so that nobody run into the same silly mistakes like I do.

Design is about liberty. No one in this world has right to judge 'right' or 'wrong' on one's design. But, one thing to remember, everyone might 'like' or 'dislike'. It may confines a design. In my case, I think too much on those restrictions it made my mind stuck for a long time. Designs, especially architectural designs, may have some rules and restrictions. But when it comes to early concept and idea, never let your creativity held back. Once you hold yourself back when making concept, you're dead. After you firmed and satisfied with your splendid concept, you may follow the theory or other rules and make your design suitable with both concept and theory.

We are students who specializes in designing, for me, in architectural issues. And we are young. Usually youngsters in our age (18-22 years old approx.) are emotionally unstable and easily goes on with the flow. 'What's emotion do to design' you might ask. Earlier I mentioned that design is about liberty. If you're emotionally under pressure, how come you feel the liberty? I was in a really great study group in the first semester. My friends in the group are kind, easy-going guys, and supporting each other. I felt wonderful and my design went out just easily and quite brilliant. Second semester came and I unfortunately got a bunch of people I slightly avoid because of their attitude to others. I felt alone and somehow pity to this new formation. This condition affected my designing and working progress quite badly and it escalated really quick. In the end, I got carried away with my emotions. As a student, especially in their first year, this actually happen and it's natural. But we must learn and try not to carried away too much because we're aiming to be a professional, so act like one, not a crybaby.

Time management. Almost everyone's main problem. Making schedule is easy, just write down our 'things to do' according to the time. The problem started when we prone to do things according to the schedule. My biggest mistake is being off-schedule since I was in junior high. I wasted too many times while I worked myself out when my deadlines came. Well, I can't say much about this problem since I need help myself, so I just warn you readers about this serious matter. Remember, one who can control the time own the world. Who doesn't want the world in their hands?

My last words for now, idea never come when you think about it. Believe me.


By the way, this is the 'thing' in my story number one
Well.... I guess it's worthy amount of money :3        


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